I was a big The Shins Fan not too long ago.❀ I got kind of tired of them. If I was ought to listen to music, The Shins was my first choice, and I did often listen to music. 
But then, after I got tired, I forgot about them. But I always seem to remember them again when I'm in Trondheim. That's really weird. So now I'm kind of hung up in The Shins again. That is not that weird, because their music is too cute. Aw, it brings back memories. 

So. Im home again. I miss my family already. I think Im really blessed with my family. Of course, as any normal family, we have our ups and downs, but it's not worth thinking about eventually when where all gathered. 
This vacation I stayed with my awesome aunt, and with her husband (my uncle), and their three noisy children. And don't forget their dog, Saga. She is the most... Aw.. There aren't words. She's so cute ^^
Anyways.. I had a really, really good time, and I miss them already. 
And every time I stay there, I'm more and more shore I will move to Trondheim in 2 ½ years. Im already looking forward. 

I know many people are thinking: weird, if people in general are blogging about how much they love their family: I don't care. I really love them, and I will continue visiting until they are too tired of me. 


I have always wanted to be a good photographer. I don't know. I certainly have no future in photo, but I still think it's fun to snap a few photos here, there and everywhere (yes, that is a Beatle-song)




Especially made for Hafsa to watch

6th of February

Come join the party with me and Morten

I wish I could make the one-timer-stop-by'ers-people, actually come back.

But no. Or maybe. I guess it's not really much to look at while reading. I don't know. I have to wait and see.

And btw: I'll maybe go to France in April. I inspired my sister to take me after all. Ye ho. Now it all depends on her trustability. Will she ever take me to France: Paris?

I have always dreamt of going to France. (sad face)
It looks so amazingly beautiful.
France, here I probably come. !!!
I just have to be nice to my sister, thats all, and make more money, to go wildly shopping in the streets of Paris! ( heart)

Hello there good man:

I want a movie day with you

I was inspired by A Clockwork Orange. 
Haha. If you just read the last post, that probably sound crazy. I didn't think of inspired as in suddenly fond of killing or raping. No. Because the movie made me think (in a weird sort of way). And I really like that type of feeling. The feeling of "wonder".
I didn't know what I was missing. 
Have you seen a Clockwork Orange, you will probably think Im crazy. But I got news for you, darling, I am crazy as can be. Probably not new news for those who knows me. 
Anyways. Inspired:
I want to see many more. Indie-types-of-movies. Cool.
I want to make a list. And that I'm going to do, right here, and right now. Oh yeah!:

The Killing Of John Lennon
Fast times At Ridgemont High
Annie Hall
Ghost world

So. That's the movie list. But the only thing that's wrong with this is that I only have myself to keep company.
Any voluntaries to come watch cool movies with me?
Any other ideas to a cool movie to watch?
Well, Goodnight. I expect to hear from you soon. Haha
A Clockwork Orange

Im planning on being a movie expert any time now. I have been searching for a 100 movies to see before dying. So far have I seen A Clockwork Orange. Kind of my type of movie. You know, like disturbing. Really, really disturbing and weird. It was kind of fun too, except of the rapes and beating and the torture. 
He was kind of cute, 

Malcolm McDowell,

 and a really good actor.

The movie is based on a novel by Anthony Burgess. 
It makes me think. Who can write such a thing? He has probably a weird, disturbing imagination.

Well now I have to go take charge of the remote control. That 70's show! 

Okey, okey

Write, write, write. That's what I'll do from now on, still.. Because of Morten, I will start writing a little again. But just a little. A incy, tincy, tiny bit.
And I got to admit it's kind of fun ^^
Ok, ok.
Okey.. I don't want to delete it, because that's kind of sad, but I'm gonna stop writing, so it's kind of deleted.. you know?
I want to look back one day and look at what I wrote and stuff.. Yeah. ^^
I think I'm gonna stop. I have too much to do. So. Yeah. Gonna leave this on for a little while, then remove my blog ;)


God, I miss the rain
I absolutely love the rain. Even if it's poring down. Usually when it rains allot, and there's no hard wind, I go for a walk. There's usually no people around the aria. It gives me time to think. But now, when there's snow, and all, it's not that great. Winter is the time to think about school and you being sick. I always have a cold around about now. 

I love sitting in the dark watching the rain, while drinking tea and listening to sad music. It's not always because I'm sad or anything, I just like it. It gives you time to think about everything.

My norwegian article is finally complete
And it's not that bad.

Life as we know it: Lol:

Sour Point
Hey, hey, hay, ho!

I saw Match Point on Monday. And the weird thing is that it really got me thinking. I remember the dinner they had, both couples together, and then someone said something about life, and she said: "And I love every minute of it".
How can you love every minute of this life?

So I was pissed at myself and school because of the news article that is due tomorrow (btw: this happening here took place yesterday). And I was totally pissed because of the weather and me being sick and me being cold, and I looked like hell that day. So I went upstairs to take a nap (kind of nap, I didn't sleep, I just laid there in the dark), and the movie suddenly crossed my mind, and I couldn't stop thinking of that one particular scene where she said she loved life. I decided to put on an attitude mask, and pretend that I love every minute of my life, despite of the news article. And I have to say it worked. I still do this, even though it's only a day gone bye, but I'm planning on doing something that makes everything positive.

But after my Move It cession, I had to go home in that awful weather. Nothing joyful about that, I'll say. And then I started thinking about the kids in Africa and that sort of stuff your parents have been teaching you to think while growing up being ungrateful. Are we supposed to think that we're lucky ALL the time and have a positive attitude even though we're miserable, just because someone is not as lucky as you? I don't know.. Aj, aj. And I think I will be the only one to wonder, because I'm probably the only one reading this thing, because it's such a long post. But then I can founder (founder? What?) upon it myself (I know that it's not the right thing to say: Founder upon it, but it's what I said to myself. He he (And I'm not saying frowned upon it))

But my conclusion is that we do live in a beautiful world, and we should love every minute of it. :)
Then of course Coldplays song crossed my mind.