Life as we know it: Lol:

Sour Point
Hey, hey, hay, ho!

I saw Match Point on Monday. And the weird thing is that it really got me thinking. I remember the dinner they had, both couples together, and then someone said something about life, and she said: "And I love every minute of it".
How can you love every minute of this life?

So I was pissed at myself and school because of the news article that is due tomorrow (btw: this happening here took place yesterday). And I was totally pissed because of the weather and me being sick and me being cold, and I looked like hell that day. So I went upstairs to take a nap (kind of nap, I didn't sleep, I just laid there in the dark), and the movie suddenly crossed my mind, and I couldn't stop thinking of that one particular scene where she said she loved life. I decided to put on an attitude mask, and pretend that I love every minute of my life, despite of the news article. And I have to say it worked. I still do this, even though it's only a day gone bye, but I'm planning on doing something that makes everything positive.

But after my Move It cession, I had to go home in that awful weather. Nothing joyful about that, I'll say. And then I started thinking about the kids in Africa and that sort of stuff your parents have been teaching you to think while growing up being ungrateful. Are we supposed to think that we're lucky ALL the time and have a positive attitude even though we're miserable, just because someone is not as lucky as you? I don't know.. Aj, aj. And I think I will be the only one to wonder, because I'm probably the only one reading this thing, because it's such a long post. But then I can founder (founder? What?) upon it myself (I know that it's not the right thing to say: Founder upon it, but it's what I said to myself. He he (And I'm not saying frowned upon it))

But my conclusion is that we do live in a beautiful world, and we should love every minute of it. :)
Then of course Coldplays song crossed my mind.


  1. Eventyr er sant :)
    Livet er det største av alle eventyr.
    Drømmen avspeiler livet.
    Livet er den våkne drømmen.
    Og du menneske,- har hele kosmos inne i deg :)

    Jeg liker bloggen din så godt Anette, du skriver veldig bra, og ofte ord til ettertanke.
    Takk for kommentar på bloggen min :)

    God klem:)

  2. Vettu hva Anette? :D
    Jeg leste faktisk alt! Sjokk ikke sant? hah :)

  3. OOOh. Shocker :D <3 hihi. Det var litt shocker.. Jeg gidder aldri å lese så mye<3
