I love staring, or not staring, but looking at strangers/people. I love analyzing their behavior, and thinking and making a story of how their lives are. I think its quite fun, but the truth is they're probably really normal. But it's the thought: everyone keeps secrets (kind of desperate housewives of me). And I start to think what kind of secrets they're keeping. Or what has happened to them, or other loved ones. Maybe they know something of the "alternative world". Who knows. It's kind of exciting to think about. 

I read the book (or, well, you can't say read, because it all contains of pictures) 8 million pictures, and there were pictures of people from Norway from old times. It was exciting to look at, because there were many different people. Some were hurt in war, and some just had a disease (other people too, but I thought they were the most interesting people to analyze). There were real focus on the eyes. I love staring into peoples eyes. You can tell allot from that. 

Maybe not real eyes right in front of me, because I think it's really uncomfortable to be that close to some people. 
Yeah, okey... 

Anyways: I have started reading (now that it's vacation: It's book-time... Always been like that. That's when I have time to take on a reading) The WITCH of PORTOBELLO by Paulo Coelho. He's an amazing writer. But the thing is that he's words are complicated because of the "amazingness" (I know that's not a word). Complication!! So it takes a while before you can really get in to the "fabric". But when you first have struggled through the rough, beautiful part, it's an amazing experience. (I meant it to be like that: All "wannabe" (hi hi)...)
Oh, I didn't mention that I am reading it on english. In Norwegian he's books are not so hard to understand, but only if you can see the true meaning behind it. But on english there are many difficult words. But I do know what he's talking about.

Ok: Bye.

1 comment:

  1. Jeg snakket med Morten om dette forrige dagen. Eller ikke helt det samme da, men hvor fasinerende det er å se på en gruppe mennesker, og vite at hver eneste en av dem har en historie å fortelle, mennesker som elsker dem, mennesker som hater dem. Og alle har hvert sitt liv som fungerer rundt dem. Hehe, jeg kan sitte lenge sånn. :)
