I don't understand why they gave us a moth freely from most school work, and now they drop a big, red schoolwork-bomb in our faces. But I'm handling it a lot better than the other folks. Some of them can even scream at the teachers if too much work is to be done. That I don't understand, and I think it's idiotic to get angry in front of the teacher and class. Keep to yourself, dammit. You can choose to be in comprehensive school, and if you can't handle it, drop out. Of course you can complain, but not scream-complain. Well, I'm exaggerating a bit, but I get so tired of it. It makes work worse. But with a "will-do-spirit" I can do anything I put my mind to. And some of it is pretty meddling to learn, but to have a nature study- test where the whole book is to be learned is not fun. And it's a real high pressure now that it's a departure major. And I have to keep my A, or I will kill myself... Well, I'm exaggerating again. Anyways, I get a bad conscience by blogging. So I have to go back to my English, nature and math and everything else...
And I've completed Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. It's a shame it's a short book, but I went to the bookstore and peeked at the next book at 800 almost 900 pages, and I can't wait to read again. Well, I have to wait until the 20th of May to read.
How are things at school, guys? Ha ha ho ho
RE; Haha ;D Vi hadde en gammel en her som ikke funket, så måtte kjøpe meg ny jeg også :P
ReplyDeleteJa, var der Ida og jeg var også. Får liksom lyst til å kjøpe hele butikken, men synes det blir dyrere og dyrere der :/ Heldigvis har pappa og mamma ganske mange liggende fra "gamledager" :P også har jeg kjøpt en del på nettet opp gjennom xP Ja.. Det er så sykt verdt det :D
Uansett.. Masse skolearbeid i England også! Siden vi skal dra hjem en måned før de engelskes skoleår, så vi må gjøre en del arbeid på halvparten av planlagt tid.. Tragisk opplegg akkurat det der.. Men skal nok gå bra :P